Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Munchie's 1st Birthday Party

The first birthday is one that many go all out for...and I have to admit I think we fell into that category! But it wasn't as bad as it could have been!
We decided to do cupcakes instead of a big cake. So don't judge the big cupcake because it was for her to "demolish"; but she choose to take the little sprinkles and eat them one by one...Silly girl! But she sure LOVES treats.
We sure love this little girl! HAPPY PARTY!!
PS I apologize for the sideways pics... I really am electronically challenged and need to figure out how to rotate them...dumb I know!:)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Better Late Than Never!!

Munchie's 1st year!
What a year! I don't think the mister and myself really understood what was coming our way when we found out we were pregnant. We had been so shocked to find out that we were (more me) that I took 11...yes, that is right 11 test to make sure; and then I still couldn't believe it! (that was until I started to puke every morning). But what an adventure it has been!
The Munch is always making us smile and laugh, and sometimes even a little crazy! But this little one knows what she wants and won't stop until she has it; which I think is a great thing and will serve her well as she gets older.
It is amazing to me how fast she has grown, but each day has been a learning experience for all of us! So with no further adu...a glimpse of Munchie's first year!
(just a are not in any order;and I have misplaced some that I will add when I remember where that"special spot"is!!)