Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Really this is our first post!!

As we can tell we are new to the blog world!! (I'm electronically challenged, and never had time), but now that I (Karli) have the chance to be at home with the Munchie, I decided to give blogging a try! And really be able to document the adventures we have as a family!
So to fill you in on the last while. We had Munchie (nickname of course) almost one year ago! and time has flown! It has been such an adventure but one that has taught us so much!! We LOVE Munchie and cannot get enough of her! (even when she throws little tantrums...ok sometimes they aren't so little and give me some major anxiety for what is to come!) :) She is her daddy's princess and she loves to watch him leave for work and come home out the front window! They love to play and play and play! Not only do they love to play, but they both love food!! Ailee is also my little bug, and is always by side, and as of late literally won't leave my side! (she walks up to me grabs my leg and holds on even standing on my feet, which has made it challenging to move most day!!)
Munchie is Ms. social! She loves people, especially kids! She puts on quite a show whenever we are out, waving and smiling, saying hi and bye to all those we walk by! She also has what we call her shy face...recently has been changed to fat face! (picture to come...hopefully!) and she loves to make this face at her uncle Greg!! She is also so busy!! She started walking when she was 10 months old and hasn't stopped sense! She loves to be chased and hug her babies and takes her Ducky with her everywhere!
Needless to say we LOVE her and are pretty much obsessed with everything she does.
All in all this is us in a nutshell.
Feel free to check back and be filled in with the up, downs and in-betweens of this crazy thing we call life!

Monday, March 7, 2011

First post!!